Our Work

Founded in 2023… but we have been restoring corals for years!

Since 2009

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Nusa Dua & Tanjung Benoa, Bali

We have installed various different shapes and techniques for coral restoration in the Nusa Dua and Tanjung Benoa waters since 2009, including the Indonesia Coral Reef Garden project in 2020 where we produced and built 5,000 Reef Stars and planted 60,000 coral fragments.

Since 2020

Our Work - Sumberkima

Sumberkima, Northwest Bali

Collaborating with Sumberkima Hill and Metamorfosa Foundation, we have installed 130 Reef Stars and planted 1,950 coral fragments in Sumberkima waters, Northwest Bali

Since 2020


The Mandalika, Lombok, NTB

This restoration pilot project funded by Mars Sustainable Solutions saw the installation of 100 Reef Stars with 1,500 coral fragments in Aan Bay, The Mandalika, Lombok, at 4-5 meters depth. The implementation involved the local leadership and community of Aan Bay as well as a local foundation, Yayasan Sinambung Alam Nusantara.

Since 2021

Coral Rehabilitation Project ICCTF - Coremap CTI at Gili Matra MPA

We supported the implementation of the MARRS method in this project. With support funding from MSS, we completed MARRS Competency training for several divers and the Reef Star production competency to the local community groups from the three islands Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno, and Gili Air, collectively known as Gili Matra. The project was funded by ADB. It aims to install, among other methods, 1,200 Reef Stars around Gili Matra. After receiving MARRS certification, the trainees are supposed to lead this installation with small teams from each island, respectively.

Since 2021


Corporate Partners

Working with corporate partners such as dive operators and tour agencies to develop sustainable marine tourism programs.

Since 2022

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Tun Mustapha Park, Sabah, Malaysia

WWF-Malaysia appointed us to support their first coral restoration project using the MARRS method in Sabah, Malaysia. The project covered MARRS Competency Training, production and build of 400 Reef Stars in Maliangin Kecil Island, Tun Mustapha Park. More than 50 participants from local partners and stakeholder networks such as Sabah Parks, Banggi Coral Conservation Society (BCCS), and divers from Mabul, Samporna, including two coral experts from University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) were involved in this project. Tun Mustapha Park is one of the parks under Sabah Parks management.

Since 2022

Derawan Island with WWF-Indonesia

This project by WWF-Indonesia in collaboration with the government of East Kalimantan Province and Berau Regency, East Kalimantan, is using Mars Assisted Reef Restoration System (MARRS) as one of the restoration methods. We conducted MARRS Competency Training at Derawan Island, East Kalimantan, in August 2022.